• Bradken Iron Sculpture Competition


    $1500.00 Prize Money


    Weight Limit: 20kg

    Sculpture to be made of at least 60% iron. Magnets will be used to identify iron content.


    Theme: Iron Theme


    Entry forms in by 11th of May 2018


    Fees ( $10.00 )


    Entry Forms: All entry forms and fees to be posted to Wundowie Progress Association, PO Box 142 Wundowie 6560


    Work delivered

    Work to be delivered to Wundowie Community Hall on Saturday 19th of May 2018 by 12 noon or to the Wundowie Library before Saturday 19th of May 2018 by arrangement with the librarian phone 95736205 or 95736250


    Work Displayed:

    All work will displayed in the Wundowie Community Hall on Sunday 20th of May 2018


    Prizes Presented:

    Presented Sunday 20th of May 2018 10am on the Oval (weather permitting)


    Work Pick up:

    20th of May 2018 May after 4pm or Monday21st of May between 2 & 5pm


    broken image

    Winner of Bradken Iron Sculpture Competition 2010


  • Download entry form below.